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Those eligible for membership are individuals responsible for administrative management in the private law firm, corporate legal departments, governmental, judicial or legal agencies.  Others interested in legal administration, but ineligible for regular membership may join as an associate member if certain guidelines are met.  Membership in The Association of Legal Administrators “ALA” and attendance of two (2) chapter meetings are required in order to be eligible for membership in the local chapter.  Criteria for becoming an associate member are specified on the membership applications of ALA and WALA.


WALA Membership Application

Disclaimer: The Wichita Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators is a separate legal entity from the Association of Legal Administrators (ALA). ALA licenses the use of its name, mark, logos and other protected properties to chapters which are in good standing. ALA disclaims all liability or responsibility whatsoever for the actions, representations and liabilities of the Wichita Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators, specifically including those of any nature whatsoever arising from or out of the content or other features related to the Wichita Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators web site. In no event shall ALA be deemed the guarantor of the Wichita Chapter, Association of Legal Administrators.